Just One Joule – Sharing with you a special Qi gong technique, sharing with you a special thought ... with the hope that it will be a small treasure in your day.
Welcome to Just One Joule!
I’d first like to take a
moment to welcome you to the second post.
Many of you have no physical
limitations and simply want to move more and reduce the stress in your lives. Some of you
have health challenges like ataxia or cancer, Parkinson’s Disease or depression perhaps and want
to be as healthy as you possibly can.
The good news is anyone can
practice Qi gong.
People that are not
especially fit are drawn to it and fit people who need to relax are too. It’s
also called a moving meditation but I like to call it instead a “Moving
Several years ago I went on
a serious quest to find a new way to move. I had been practicing yoga for 25
years and had become strong and flexible. As I approached 60, that wasn’t
In my quest I discovered Qi
gong (pronounced chee gung), an ancient form of movement that is rooted in
martial arts.
Not only does Qi gong make
you stronger and more flexible, it energizes and with very little effort creates
a beautiful sense of calmness.
Even a short practice of 2-10
minutes stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system to kick in and help you
I’m not exaggerating when I
say these movements create the sense of peace you feel when you’re sitting
beside a lake or take a walk in the woods.
Breathing and moving the
body intentionally in certain ways stimulates specific energy acupuncture points
allowing your energy to flow more freely. It feels really good.
It’s not just movement, it
energizes the spirit and that’s probably the most important thing we can
accomplish in our daily lives.
Each week I will include 3
short sections
1 - “How To” tid-bits - As
the weeks go by you will become more proficient at
Qi gong.
Having said that – being
proficient is not the goal. The goal is to move with relaxation and allow your
body to do what it likes to do best, heal itself.
2 - Take a breather with Qi-vive - A short Qi
gong break in your day. A video to help you feel revived and renewed (standing and seated options).
3 – Inspirational Message
Week #1 -
Welcome to our first Joule!
#1 How To Tid Bit–
- “Move with relaxation” – that is one of the key principals.
Qi gong movements mimic the
movements of nature – particularly water. Move your body as if you are moving
through water.
- Keep breathing – no matter
what, be aware of your breath. Breathe, breathe. Follow your breath. Breathe deep. Inhale and exhale
and pause in that little space between the in and out. Breathe full. Just
breathing mindfully improves the flow of energy in your body.
One of the beauties of Qi gong is that it is very safe. But - Please check with you doctor if you feel there is any chance you could injure yourself doing these movements. And if you ever feel any discomfort doing any of the movements stop doing them.
#2 - Qi-vive Video #1
Wave Breathing - Helps regulate your breath and strengthen your breath. Breathing is so important. Taking a moment just to breath and let go will improve the way you feel physically and the way you feel emotionally.
Knocking On The Door Of Life - "The Door Of Life" is an acupressure point along the lumbar spine. Here's a picture of the location. See the little red dot along the spine.
Knocking On The Door Of Life is one of my favorite movements. It is for fatigue and to increase energy. It helps increase life force to help you get done what you need to do in your busy day.
Your arms will knock on your back and also on your abdomen. Once you get going do it vigorously and keep breathing deeply. Let your knees be nice and bouncy and relaxed. Relax your arms and shoulders. Even let your jaw and tongue relax. Do this movement for 1-2 minutes. Standing and seated option given in video.
#3 -
From Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
We often ask, "What's wrong?" Doing so, we invite painful seeds of sorrow to come up and manifest. We feel suffering, anger and depression, and produce more such seeds. We would be much happier if we tried to stay in touch with the healthy, joyful seeds inside of us and around us. We should learn to ask, "What's not wrong?" and be in touch with that. There are so many elements in the world and within our bodies, feelings, perceptions, and consciousness that are wholesome, refreshing, and healing. If we block ourselves, if we stay in the prison of our sorrow, we will not be in touch with these healing elements.
Life if filled with many wonders, like the blue sky, the sunshine, the eyes of a baby. Our breathing, for example can be very enjoyable. I enjoy breathing every day. But many people appreciate the joy of breathing only when they have asthma or a stuffed-up nose. We don't need to wait until we have asthma to enjoy our breathing. Awareness of the precious elements of happiness is itself the practice of right mindfulness. Elements like these are within us and all around us. In each second of our lives we can enjoy them. If we do so, seeds of peace, joy, and happiness will be planted in us, and they will become strong. The secret to happiness is happiness itself. Wherever we are, any time, we have the capacity to enjoy the sunshine, the presence of each other, the wonder of our breathing. We don't have to travel anywhere else to do so. We can be in touch with these things right now.
Energy is in us, and all around us. It makes the planets swirl and the energy of our teeniest subatomic particles give us life.
Yard art Santa Cruz California |
Three things -
1- None of the movements shown in this blog should cause any discomfort. If they do, stop.
2 - Please contact me at donnaraesmith@yahoo.com if you have any questions or comments you would like to share. If you have trouble viewing the video I would be glad to send it via email.
3- I am an RN, personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher. I've worked with very fit people and folks that are less fit. I find Qi gong to be magical and safe. If you feel inspired, please pass this blog on to others so that they might also benefit. I can also include them on the broadcast email list.
Give yourself a little break today. Take a Qi-vive break or two.
Donna Rae